A book from the heart
to the sky and back.

Flying and Falling is the authentic story of a man and a first class pilot, who in pursuit of his dream, despite the toughest tests in life, remained steadfast and unwavering.
In this extraordinary story Jan shares his inner world that is the invisible base of all success. Everything is anchored in the stories and insights through which he guides us, and inspires us.
What will you find in this book?

The story of Jan Rudzinskyj
This is a true story which takes us through the winding roads of Jan’s life, as he describes how he was formed by the experience of balancing on the line between life and death, as well as managing his daily life. How he earned and asserted his right to do what he loves, and his life lessons that brought him to where he is right now. Even though he is just an ordinary boy from East Bohemia, his story is definitely no ordinary story.
The insights of Jan Rudzinskyj
The book is peppered with snippets of insight, in which Jan describes his attitude to life and his worldview that allows us to take a glimpse through his outside world into the inner world of the author, which is unique, interesting and inspiring in its own right.

I dived into this exceptionally interesting book head first. And I am glad I did. Some chapters literally require this approach. I immersed myself in the story and at times I felt I was gripping not the book, but the joystick. A breath in and a breath out, and yet another charged adventure. Jan has many unbelievable aviatic tales to tell and he serves them up to the unsuspecting reader one after another. And perhaps that is why I read „On The Wings Of Seagulls“ all in one go and was amazed by how much can happen in the air, and even on the ground.
Jan is no greenhorn, he has been through a lot and offers many opportunities for reflection which may have sounded awkward if written by another. When someone falls to the ground from the height of two ten-story houses and survives, this is bound to influence his attitude to life. Most of us have not experienced anything like this, but here we can read about it first hand.
And its well worth the read.
This book can be also read as a guide on how to start things that may seem highly improbable, even crazy at first sight By the way, you will learn from Jan how to do.
And now something more amusing – well, it sort of comes from above too. Thanks to Jan’s book I am more clued up about what pilots sometimes need. I look forward to the day when I park my car by a meadow with a view, and as I revel in the picturesque countryside I see, instead of a butterfly, a plane landing on the green sward, and a chap taking off his helmet, striding towards me with a can in his hand, who asks me for a few litres of petrol, so he can get to his destination. And as I syphon the petrol from my car, I explain to the perplexed pilot that having read the book “On The Wings Of Seagulls” I am kind of prepared for such an eventuality.

On flying and falling

How we create our reality
All pilots have to have a medical in order to get or keep their pilot’s license. Do you how long it took before I passed the medical? Exactly six months.
Sure, I may not have registered the Slovak doctor’s comment. I could have believed any of the other specialists and doctors, and others who had been injured, who told me, ‘don’t get too excited so you won’t be disappointed’. They meant it well. Maybe they were not wrong, but it was just their point of view.

How to open up to your future
And you know what? Somehow it worked out! It always does, when you really love it. Then I started to do acrobatics and that is damned expensive; but the money was gradually coming in as my flying expenses increased.

How to avoid killing yourself with a scarf
The flapping and tugging wouldn’t have mattered if the scarf had not gradually got tighter and tighter around my neck. The Nieuport doesn’t have a calibrated elevator which makes it unstable, and so you have to operate all the controls manually the whole time. So I had to untie the scarf with one hand trying not to lose it.
This took superhuman effort and just before choking I managed to stuff it inside my leather jacket. The next time I just skipped trying to be such a dandy.

Those who have read the book say
It is said that everyone….EVERYONE…. should write their own story; even if it is only read by our children and loved ones, so that they can learn from our mistakes, be inspired, and grow a little more. The story of Jan Rudzinskyj inspires us beyond the limits of his private life. He offers wisdom and experience gained from his journey through life, with clarity and a lightness of touch. It is not only about aviation, which is a life’s mission for this Czech Richard Bach; aviation and flying are simply just the background to the play called Life.
A book that you won’t put down till you get to the last page! Jan has a great way of blending a riveting personal story with the capacity to inspire you in your own personal and spiritual development. If this story doesn’t kick start your resolve to follow your passion, then probably nothing ever will. Dana-Sofie Šlancarová author of Cyclic woman® and Journeys Of Passion
We are the pilots of our own lives. The masters of many smooth landings, unintentional acrobatics, and falls. The book On The Wings Of Seagulls shows us that we can take off again. Providing we continue to believe in our dreams, we may rise to live another day, even if it proves to be our last, so long as we live it with love.
You will read about how a love of flying formed one life, and what new insights it brought on the journey.
Each person learns in their unique way. For me this is a book about hope and new-found humility.
I wish you a pleasant flight!
There are many of us who feel passionately about planes. Especially the older ones, or the oldest, biplanes. And Jan Rudzinskyj is an incredible man who flies this kind of Great War biplane - The French Nieuport IX. Wooden frame, canvas, metal struts. And because Jan is a man of feeling, his narrative makes you feel that you yourself are sitting in the cockpit.
Things just happen to you. You start with a little plane, which goes off course when taking off. You catch your white scarf that tightens around your throat. You calculate how much fuel you have left to land. You forge a relationship with a plane that seems both untamable and fidgety. So don’t limit yourself, take the book and read it. And, for several evenings, experience his stories as if you yourself were the inventive pilot.
This book is about the fact that we love and are loved, yet we don’t hear it until there ‘s a loud bang.
This book was enlightening and instructive. I read it in one breath, let it lie for several days. Then I read it again with pleasure, and I felt joyful and relaxed.
Readers will find themselves captivated for sure. Also because they will realize that the offered wisdom and experience, are somewhat familiar, if not lived, at least sensed.
All this is interwoven into an engaging and thrilling story about the author’s journey towards his dreams. The book connects the philosophy of life and flying, which has a literally magical effect that encourages the reader: “Let’s be relaxed and live our dreams if they are truly ours, and enjoy the journey towards them as much as possible….”
Jan Rudzinskyj

Jan Rudzinskyj about himself:
\"Since childhood I have looked up at the sky, and therefore my greatest challenge has been to stay grounded.
I grew up in Rybitví, it’s not a bad place, but to prevent the education system from grinding me was not easy. I managed to keep at least a part of my freedom though it cost me. I was constantly being reprimanded for something or other, and later also got gradually worse conduct reports.
Even then I had a desire to be famous. I was a DJ and later a radio presenter. I enjoyed both and felt sort of fulfilled. For a while I was involved in motor racing.
After ending a long term relationship I suddenly found myself in a depression and feeling empty. I didn’t know what to do next with my life. I realized the life I was living was not the real thing. Maybe that wasn’t me. I discovered the spiritual path, I read books and attended seminars. Almost from day one I changed from being a playboy to a monk. It was a shock for those around me and it took some time for me to find a balance between my inner and outer life, which is actually what I am still constantly looking for.
Soon after, I started a company and began to fulfill my dream of flying, which had been with me since early childhood. The company enabled me to invest heavily in my flying career. After several years I became dissatisfied with business, it didn’t bring me joy anymore.
But it took a long time before I decided to give up the gilded cage and sell my company. In the end it worked out well and I felt greatly relieved.
Since then I have been self employed, and now my main activity is flying at aviatic shows with my acrobatic biplane, and my fellow acrobats in The Flying Bulls Acrobatic Team.\"
Do you want to fly with Jan?
Open cockpit, leather jacket, helmet and goggles.
Do you want to experience the feelings of the first pilots in an open biplane, feel the wind in your hair and see the world with a birds eye view?
To have the unique experience of flying in a biplane flight, just click here.